Grow Guide | May 12, 2024
Community in Christ
Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Connecting Question
Tell about a memorable teacher in your life.
What has been a hard lesson for you to learn? Why?
Prayer for Illumination
God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ. We rejoice with Christians all over the world today and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you. We pray through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed, Alleluia. We are learning to be, Community in Christ, learning about the formation of the early Christian community from Acts and 1 Corinthians. How did they build community when they had diversity and conflict? Let us look at what we can learn from them. Being in one building will help us live as one community and focus our attention and resources on being community and on being good neighbors. Being community in Christ is BOTH growing in faith and carrying on the work of Jesus Christ. So glad you are here!
From Pastor Sarah Henrich at
First Corinthians is part of an ongoing correspondence between Paul and the church in Corinth. We can only guess-in more or less educated ways-at what exactly happened in Corinth and what sort of relationship Paul had over time with believers there. We read the letter much as we might listen to one side of someone else’s telephone call. That is, we are realistic about gaps in our understanding and careful in attempts to reconstruct the other half of the conversation. This level of humility is especially important when reading parts of the letter that are alien to our sensibilities or contrary to the understanding of the gospel we have as a result of engaging the whole of the biblical witness.
Look at the Book
Open to 1 Corinthians 15:1. Who is Paul writing to here? Why do you think he addresses them like this?
We do not call on our friends with the title “brothers and sisters.” What kind of relationship with someone might warrant calling them this—even though you are not kin?
In your own words, what is the good news?
In verses one and two, circle the action words connected to the word, “you.” What encouragement does the Gospel give us?
As we gather in worship, what do verses three and four sound like? Where do we say something similar in worship?
What is a creed?
What are some things that are part of your creed about life? I believe this about life...
In verses three and four, in Paul’s “creed,” there is no mention of love. Why?
In verses five and six, whom does Paul say Jesus appeared to? Why do you think them? Would you want Jesus to appear to you? Why?
In verses 8-11, Paul tells some of his own faith story. What are some of the main points he is trying to share? Why?
In that passage, one key word gets repeated three times. Circle it.
Our focus words this week are: teach, share, together. Which word are you drawn to? Why?
What does grace look like in your life? In the world?
What would you like to talk about that we have not yet?
Taking it Home
Pray for the summer ministries of Easter Lutheran Church.
Thank a member of our church for being part of your story.
God of the promise, you call your people together into your one mission in Christ’s name. Make us brave, grant us peace, challenge our expectations, and empower us to truly follow your Spirit’s lead. You are our one God who calls us together as one people, and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.